Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Marlin's Two Cents

My friend made a good point.

"When many American jobs were on the line, when people were concerned about getting the ax, President Obama and the Democrats proposed sweeping overhauls of the banking, manufacturing, health care, and education systems of the country [and energy is next] in the name of stimulus thus saddling the people with future debt, increased taxes, and more government control for years to come.

"When many democrat congressmen jobs are on the line, when Obama and his democrat associates in congress are concerned about getting the ax, President Obama is proposing business tax cuts and less regulation to stimulate the economy and create more jobs.

"You can't say the liberals don't know what works.  They are not stupid, they just think we are."

Well said Marlin Smith.


  1. This is a great point. Along with it is the hypocrisy of the RINOs. Rush was making this point today. The RINOs love the tea party and Sarah Palin when she is against the democrats, but when they are for conservative principles and are against the progressive and especially establishment republicans they accuse this conservative movement of being out-of-touch and that their guy is the only one that can when. The only party of the two major ones that conservatism has any chance of winning is the republican party. The progressive cancer must be purged from the republican party and the progressive democrats must be defeated.

  2. That's a great point by Marlin Smith.
