Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This Will Brighten Your Day

There have been times when I feel like the news and politics is depressing, especially the last couple of years. I wish more news stories were like this one:
Enjoy! An American Hero!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


These articles were sent to me by a friend. They are really good. Education is the key to restoring our country to its founding. The progressive left is pushing transformation. Their man, President Obama is moving things at a rapid rate. True Americans need to get educated and support the restoration of the Consititution and the system of federalism. We say limited government, power of the people, and liberty. I agree with Rob Bishop that federalism accomplishes all of these. Take a read:



Friday, July 9, 2010

Deficits and Who is at Fault

The Heritage Foundation is a research group that is fiscally conservative, and highly accurate. The following link is to a bar chart and explanation of the recent federal government deficit spending.


The links may go back to other sources within the Heritage Foundation, but eventually you find the government source of the figures cited.

The following link is from the ultra-conservative Washington Post and all the tabs are interesting, especially the first one.


(It is amazing that there is not more holler in the media and at home about the out-of-control spending, I guess we are on board or pacified)

It is Congress that controls the budget and is mostly to blame. Republican presidents are to blame as well as democrats because they did not veto these busted budgets. I contest that the Bush's, father and son, are not conservatives, though better than Obama, but they have their own progressive ideas. And in the last 32 Congress' (64 years) there have been 44 years when the Democrats have controlled both houses and 52 years that they controlled at least the Senate. See the following link for this data.


When comparing which party has control of congress and deficit spending there is a pattern. In 1947 and 1948 the Republicans had both houses and there was no deficit spending for the first time in 17 years. There when they took control of both houses, after 47 years of Democrat control of one or more often both houses, in 1995 through 2006 deficit spending began to be reigned in until the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and subsequent Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Making this point here credit may be given to other periods of war, including the Reagan presidency. A better way is to budget and spend in the black and have savings for the time when war is necessary. This is what households call an emergency fund. Another factor is the ebb and flow of the economy and this can also be see on the deficit chart. Though this is easily magnified into the red by government spending. We need to return to fiscal responsibility and limited government.

Agenda and Hypocricy

I don't necessarily disagree with agenda, but I do disagree strongly with the Obama Administration agenda, which I believe is to destroy America's government and economy as it was founded. It was founded on limited government, individual freedom, and the capitalist system and a free market. Obama's agenda is the progressive agenda. It is shared with labor unions, communists, socialists, and radicals. The agenda is to transform America though increasing the size and power of the federal government, attacking the private business sector and crashing the economy to create crisis for which revolution may occur. Think Chavez.
I do disagree with hypocrisy. This was plainly evident in this exchange with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and and an unidentified reporter on July 7, 2010. Text below.


REPORTER: Now there are dozens of so-called sanctuary cities that have their own policies that might potentially conflict with federal law supplements like Governor Brewer to say that if Arizona's in violation of federal law, then so are these localities. So my question is why did the president then ask [ the Department of Justice] to look at Arizona and not everywhere?

GIBBS: Let me -- I don't know the answer to that but I will try to seek some answer on -- some answer on that.

Of course Gibbs had no answer because the thought had not even occurred to the administration because they are not about justice, they run the department of justice with the policies of their agenda, and not the rule of law or justice in mind. This is also evident in the New Black Panthers voting rights case being dismissed.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Assault on Liberty

There are four articles that detail the assault on liberty. These came out on July 1st and 2nd. Analyzed together they show the breadth of the progressive movement and how organized and infiltrated they are in the top decision makers of government.

First, "Walmart CEO Pay: More in an Hour Than Workers Get All Year?" ABC News
This article is about the debate over a new Walmart store in the Chicago area that was approved, but labor union leaders wanted the ununionized Walmart to pay more and provide better benefits. This is organized unions trying to take liberty to run a business. Assault on the Free Market.

Second, "Chicago Approves Tough New Handgun Restrictions" FOX News
This article is about Chicago city restricting peoples second amendment rights to bear arms and defend themselves, limiting gun owners to carrying a gun only within their home. Crime rates will predictably rise, especially gun violence. This is a violation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Assault on the right to bear and keep arms.

Third, "House Democrats 'Deem' Faux $1.1 Trillion Budget 'as Passed'" Human Events
This article is about the Democrat leadership using parliamentarian tricks of "Deemed Passed" on a budget that has not even been presented. This is a move that undermines transparency, is dishonest, and avoids debate that will likely harm Democrats in this falls elections. This is corruption and recklessness by the Democrat leaders. Assault on our system of representation and responsible government as established by the Constitution.

Fourth, "Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs", FOX News
This article is about the false policies of socialism and backwards logic of social programs of welfare. Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims that unemployment benefits should be extended, seemingly indefinitely, to create jobs. This is ridiculous. This is a lie. Assault on common sense and other founding American values.

It was overwhelming to read one article after another all from one day. It is amazing that these are mainstream ideas. Isn't this why we had a revolution, established a Constitution, and fought many other wars, including the Cold War. I believe Americans are not like this. The mainstream media and many politicians are out of touch with American values. We are not Progressives; we do not want socialism.

These articles when looked at all at once demonstrate that the progressive movement has hijacked the Democrat party and parts of the Republican party. Progressives want to destroy the capitalist system that made this country the world economic leader. Progressives want to shred the Constitution and establish Socialism. Socialism does not guarantee citizen freedoms and rights, or protect the people from a tyrannical government. Progressives lead the unions, both houses of Congress and the White House Administration. They must be voted out ASAP.